Bike Friendly at the 36th Philoxenia 2021 (November 12-14, 2021)

Tourism entrepreneurs (travel agencies and large hotel units), exhibitors from tourist destinations (Regions, Municipalities), hosted buyers from 28 countries, and regular visitors seeking information for their next travel getaway reunited at the 36th International Tourism Exhibition Philoxenia.

Many visitors met with us, and we provided information about the hotels, municipalities, and partners in the network (cycling companies, travel agencies, etc.), the “Bike Friendly” label, and the concept of cycling tourism in general.

There was particular interest from foreign travel agencies and hotels in the certification and network, who attended the exhibition as hosted buyers or individual visitors, highlighting the potential for further promotion of domestic cycling tourism.
During the exhibition, the General Director of NatTour, Ms. Vicky Karantzavelou, presented the Bike Friendly Certification Program at workshops on the main presentation stage of the exhibition.

[Highlights from the presentation of the “Bike Friendly” Certification Mark in the open space area of the exhibition, which operated this year in Pavilion 13, with great success.]
Additionally, Ms. Karantzavelou gave an interview to Skiathos Life, noting the benefits of certifying and promoting Greek destinations as Bike Friendly Destinations, such as the island of Skiathos. You can watch the interview here.

Furthermore, during the exhibition, we met and discussed with the certified members of the Bike Friendly network, GHotels Simantro Beach and GHotels Pallini Beach.

Moreover, Bike Friendly symbolically cycled through the aisles of the exhibition booths, leaving a mark of cycling in tourism and reiterating its determination: sustainability in tourism is a one-way street.

The Municipality of Edessa is the first certified Municipality in Greece as Bike Friendly. At this year’s Philoxenia, it showcased the shared bikes available to its visitors. In the photo, Ms. Vicky Karantzavelou from NatTour and Mr. Vangelis Kyriakou, Cultural Tourism & Environment Manager of the Municipality of Edessa.

The Municipality of Alexandroupolis is the most recently certified Municipality in Greece as Bike Friendly. At this year’s Philoxenia, the Bike Friendly label awarded to Mayor Mr. Giannis Zampouki on June 3, 2021, adorned the Alexandroupolis booth during the exhibition.