- 19A Pyrras Street, 117 45, Athens, Greece
- 210 9374050
- 6949 200 578
- Vicky Karatzavelou: General Manager
Bike Friendly News
Who we Are
The “Bike Friendly” label is an initiative of the urban, non-profit company NatTour, which aims to develop alternative, sustainable and viable forms of tourism, giving priority to cycling tourism.
The main objectives through the “dissemination” of cycle tourism are:
- reducing nuisance (noise pollution, air pollution) in tourist destinations,
- minimising the carbon footprint of tourism activity,
- the protection of the environment; and
- cultivating respect for it and the culture of each place.
NatTour supports a wide range of sustainable and sustainable forms of tourism, such as
- ecotourism,
- nature tourism,
- walking tourism,
- sports tourism,
- cycling tourism, and
- tourism for people with disabilities.
The common denominator of all these forms of tourism is the focus
- in micromobility,
- the digital tools,
- inclusiveness,
- equal opportunities,
- the enhancement of the natural environment; and
- local gastronomy and culture.
NatTour cooperates with various bodies, such as local authorities, tourist offices, hotels and environmental organisations, organising training seminars, information events, conferences and awareness-raising activities on sustainable tourism. It actively participates in European and international networks for sustainable and cycling tourism, promotes micro-mobility, cycling and tourism, factors that are a powerful force for protecting the environment, strengthening the local economy and promoting social well-being.
“Bike Friendly” label
In response to the internationally growing demand for soft tourism travel, experiences and activities, NatTour created in 2016 and since then has been managing the “Bike Friendly” label and network.
The “Bike Friendly” label is awarded to:
- Municipalities / Destinations,
- Hotels & Accommodation,
- Partners (cycling companies and shops),
- Points of Interest (wineries, museums, etc.) and
- Tourist Offices (Greek Bike Specialists)
all of which offer cyclist-friendly services and meet a number of internationally recognised criteria for service to cycling enthusiasts.
The aim of the “Bike Friendly” label and network is to promote cycling tourism in Greece, contributing to the development of the green economy and environmental protection, reducing the burden of mass tourism, and cultivating cycling culture in local communities.
At the same time, the “Bike Friendly” label fosters synergies between the businesses and organizations that make up the “Bike Friendly” Network, thus shaping the framework of the overall service and satisfaction of the cyclist-visitor in the destination “Greece”, on the one hand, and the benefits of participation and synergies of the individual businesses and organizations that make up the Network, on the other hand.
Finally, NatTour, from 2016 until today, has been implementing the planning for attracting visitors-tourists, who would like either to tour areas of Greece using the bicycle as a means of transport, or simply, during their holidays, to use the bicycle for short excursions from the hotel they are staying at.
The development of the “Bike Friendly” label is done in cooperation with the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature (E.E.P.F.).
The actions of “Bike Friendly” have been put under the auspices of
- the Ministry of Tourism,
- the Ministry of Environment & Energy and
- of the Ministry of Transport & Infrastructure.
NatTour is a member of SETE (Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises) and an associate member of HATTA (Association of Hellenic Tourist and Travel Agencies), while it has signed memoranda of understanding with POX (Panhellenic Federation of Hoteliers) and PODIX (Panhellenic Federation of Hotel Managers).
The “Bike Friendly” Project is supported by Travel Media Applications, which offers integrated marketing and communication solutions exclusively to the tourism industry, utilizing technology in web applications.

Το Greek Bike Specialist είναι ένα μάθημα και πιστοποιητικό για τον ποδηλατικό τουρισμό στην Ελλάδα και απευθύνεται σε ανεξάρτητους ταξιδιωτικούς πράκτορες, ταξιδιωτικά γραφεία και tour operators.

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