The decision of the Pieria organization for tourism development and promotion (P.O.T.A.P.) to highlight another thematic area of action within sustainable development and tourism capital, specifically Cycling Tourism, is moving forward with immediate implementation.
The planning of P.O.T.A.P. for cycling tourism in collaboration with the cycling clubs of Pieria
The decision of the Pieria organization for tourism development and promotion (P.O.T.A.P.) to highlight another thematic area of action within sustainable development and tourism capital, specifically Cycling Tourism, is moving forward with immediate implementation.

The procedural matters for advancing this specific tourism initiative, along with issues related to the appropriate planning and the implementation of necessary cycling access points and interventions across every corner of Pieria, as well as the required certification of Cycling Tourism by the official body, were discussed on Tuesday, January 23, 2024, during a teleconference with the members of the Board of Directors of P.O.T.A.P., the Greek representative of the non-profit organization NatTour, and the participation of the Cycling Escape of Pieria and the Sports-Cultural Association “TRIAS.”
NatTour is responsible for certifying and awarding the official “Bike Friendly Destination” label, which is essential for the organized implementation and development of Cycling Tourism in the Pieria region.
“Continuing our plans to develop all forms of tourism in Pieria, according to the principles of sustainable development, and to create development proposals for the benefit of our economy and beyond, we are moving forward with actions related to Cycling Tourism. Together with the Regional Unit of Pieria and P.O.T.A.P., we are identifying and documenting our cycling identity, focusing on the bicycle—a means of transport so environmentally friendly—so that we can offer a series of organized cycling routes while facilitating both our residents and tourists who wish to use bicycles during their holidays,” emphasized the Deputy Regional Governor of Pieria, Ms. Sofia Mavridou.
Ms. Mavridou also mentioned that Cycling Tourism is a continuation of the already developing alternative forms of tourism in our region, such as pilgrimage, mountain, sports, hiking, gastronomic, and cultural tourism.
On his part, the president of the Pieria Organization for Tourism Development and Promotion, Mr. Giorgos Karalis, noted: “The rapid increase in bicycle usage in recent years, combined with the potential to extend the tourist season in our country, mainly due to the Mediterranean climate, has made bicycles a central interest for visitors, tourists, and citizens alike, as well as for tourism businesses. With NatTour, which now operates under the auspices of the Ministries of Tourism, Environment-Energy, and Infrastructure-Transport, and always within the framework of our collaboration, we are moving forward with the smooth and organized development of cycling tourism in Pieria, providing the guarantees needed to implement yet another form of alternative tourism.”